Diagnostics and Treatment

Diagnostics and Treatment, Prevention and control

Treatment of Dengue

A vaccine for dengue fever has been approved and is commercially available in several countries. The vaccine, however, is only recommended for those previously infected. Other methods of prevention include reducing mosquito habitat and limiting exposure to bites. For typical dengue, different treatments are purely concerned with relieving the symptoms (symptomatic). Rest and fluid intake for adequate hydration are essential. Treatment Besides Vaccination The mainstay of treatment is timely supportive therapy to tackle shock due to hemoconcentration and bleeding. […]

Diagnostics and Treatment

Diagnosis of Dengue

The diagnosis of dengue is usually made clinically. The classic picture is high fever with no localizing source of infection, a petechial rash with thrombocytopenia, and relative leukopenia (low platelet and white blood cell count). Care has to be taken as the diagnosis of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) can mask end-stage liver disease and vice versa. If one has a persistent fever for over thanks, one should go for a complete blood checkup (CBC). One should take

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